Inking happens to everyone

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's ok!

With all the media attention and hooplah on what's ok and what's not ok with breast feeding, organic, discipline, here is my two cents: It's ok to feed your children whatever you have access to. It's ok to buy your produce from grocery outlet bargain market. It's ok to give your baby formula if you need to. It's ok to feed your baby by the breast! I don't want to see your nipple, so I'll chose Not to look. It's ok to drink a soda It's ok to discipline your child. It's ok and important to vaccinate your children. If you don't want to, at least do actual research On the views you've heard. Don't take others word for it. Research is good! It's ok to have your own preferences. It's ok for others to have different preferences. It's ok to do things different than everyone else. It's only neccessary that you LOVE your children. Do what is best and good for them that is in your power. Feed your children! Keep them safe and protect them! There is more than one way to raise a family. Respect others for not doing it Your way as long as they're children are loved, fed and safe. When I was on welfare, Kaytlin was very small. We would stand at the food bank, waiting our turn. There was no organic option. You got what they had. Which was Mac n cheese, breads, Peter pan peanut butter, very ripe fruit from albertsons, and some very interesting options. With food stamps in hand at the grocery market, every penny mattered, so cheapest won. That's soups, cheese, eggs, milk, cereal, canned veggies and fruit With both my children, I breast fed as long as they would let me. Kaytlin refused the Breast at 4 months- and Jonah refused at 5 months- I went to bottle feeding them both formula. I don't give my children soda when they're little I love my family, I will feed them what is available, affordable and healthy. If that's An organic option, great! If its the Safeway brand deal- yay! When the media and people say "this is the best way" you are disrespecting others who don't have that choice, or who disagree. You have every right to say "this is what I do" In the end however, Remember, It's ok!