Inking happens to everyone

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Liar Liar, Pants on fire!

Reading about Hilarys latest embelishment is a little sickening. She wants everyone to say.. "OH MY!".. "She's so Brave to have endured that! she's so in touch with foreign diplomacy! What a courageous woman!"

My thoughts?

She's exactly like the annoying guy/girl we all know.. the one that tells stories that get broader and more dangerous with each telling.. they want the attention and adoration that comes with great acts of bravery. when in reality, she has no experiences that put her on that level, except maybe having sex with Bill after Monica had been with him.. you never know what kind of dangers lurk there!

Stating she "mispoke" is a flat out lie. her people try to say, well, she's been so many places and has had so many experiences.. its hard to remember...
OK.. then go ahead and tell me which experience she IS remembering where she was ordered to run to her car while enduring sniper fighting? She's very specific in her details.. so if not the Bosnia trip.. then which trip was it that this actually happened? you cant really remember details unless they happened at some point.

Hmmmm....Cant remember? probably because, it never happened. In Hilarys mind, she got confused of what stories she's told people that were completely made up to boost her self esteem..versus the truth, then she spit it out in front of ALOT of people that are way too knowledgeable to believe her little tale of woes, with the power to research and actually find the truth.

Hilary Hilary.. didnt your momma teach you not to lie??

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