Inking happens to everyone

Friday, July 27, 2007


people are really ticking me off today. All day I've got a few people that are LITERALLY causing me to pull out my hair, who are consistantly bugging me. One who cant stop telling OVER THE TOP lies, that are so rediculous you'd think they were all of 8 years old. Another who can not see she's kind of a bitch one moment and wants to be friends the next, however in the "friends" mode, she only talks about herself.... another who cant stop complaining about all the pain she feels, mind you, she just returned to work after taking a nice 6 month leave... to get that fixed. they did nothing, she says. so with these three Irritants, it makes me more irritable. such as hearing people who chew EXTREMELY loud in their cubes... on ICE! everytime someone calls my name, I just reply with "busy". I'm overly ready for this day to be DONE.

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