Inking happens to everyone

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Being a Girl from the 80's( I wasn't born in the 80's, I grew up in the 80's) I'd say it is my most favorite decade. Besides just growing up during that time, its the FEEL of the 80's that I remember the most. Everyone was struggling to find their own individuality. While there were A LOT of problems, there were also great movements happening. Everyone was trying to be aware of something to feel passionately about. Hands across America to help the homeless, Hear N' Aid/Live Aid/Band Aid concerts to help the Famine in Africa, The Berlin Wall crumbled,"Just Say No"(which didn't quite work, but you know...) Huge "AIDS" movements, It was as if politics and the media were working together to let the people of the world know what was going on (selected coverage and knowledge of course), and people were trying to be involved.
I know my outlook on the 80's is tainted slightly, as I didn't have to work yet, no real responsibility except to keep my room clean and pass my tests, but it was such an awesome time. So much happening, So much new, So much with technology, politics, entertainment really came into view..

I miss some of the feel of that time frame. Our world has become so big, and sometimes I feel like no one cares about things and others the way we did..that there's TOO much now and its hard to focus on anything.. its overwhelming. How can we help when its all SO big?

As I see it, all the same problems exist, its just that we are aware of all of them now (thanks to technology, media, politics, peoples rights), whereas before, only a few were presented at a time, which felt manageable..and our politics were a little more tight lipped. This is a good and bad thing all at once. Its our right to know, but some people don't want to know everything, because then they have the knowledge of how much help our World and its people need, and that's a frightening and overwhelming sense of responsibility.

I don't want to go back to that time frame, because I LOVE this time right now. I love where My life is, Love my Fiance, Love My Daughter..Love how far we as a whole have come, But I would like to have some of that "feeling" from the 80's with today. We're lacking mass compassion, and group care for the other inhabitants of this World. We have Much more power in our hands now than back in the 80's, we have much bigger voices and options..And some are heard, and great things happen, great progresses, but I havent seen people pull together as a whole with passion like we had back then.. hmm..

Where did all this come from? well, two things lead me thinking this way today.. First, The other day I was reading all of the info on the "Live Earth" concerts that were all over the world on July 9th to support the "GREEN" movement (, I may not agree with all of the ideas in this movement, but I like what it stands for. Second, while watching the show "So you think you can dance?" (don't laugh.. i like it) they each did an individual dance last night to promote Peace in Iraq. The whole idea was that we don't have control in regards to whether or not we pull our troops out as a people or what we would like to do about the War, but we need to make a statement that says how we feel.
(FYI, did you know since 2003 Fort Lewis has lost over 150 troops over there? and we have 8000 out of the 10,000 from Fort Lewis still in Iraq. We have so many troops being killed at the same time, that they were having a hard time giving each Soldier an individual memorial..WTF? they tried doing memorials for several at a time.. that did NOT go well with the families of the fallen soldiers.. they will go back to giving individual memorials now. My Pride and Respect for Every Soldier is at the Highest. I support our troops completely. I'm not against the War, as I saw the importance and the initial goal, but I'm also not for the War either, as its lost direction and leadership. I wouldn't want to be in the Presidents shoes on this one...they're covered in dog crap right now.)

These two things have that "Feel". Hearing people be passionate about something, makes me feel passionate about my own beliefs and desires. I will NOT debate the War with Anyone. so don't ask me to. But I do like to hear other peoples views and comments. I hope we can continue to see the importance of making ourselves heard, fighting for good causes and lending a hand to someone who needs it, stranger or not. See some good and potential in our World. Listen to each other.. i mean really listen, pay attention..Be a Friend...Do something nice for others..Think about someone other than yourself...Bottom line?......Care.

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