Inking happens to everyone

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Cheater

I read the below article on a friends Blog site ( ) and was thoroughly disturbed. Not so much by the content that there are women cheaters, because I'm not all that surprized- the ratio was 55% of women and 60% of men cheat. But this article is shocking to me, because one of the characters was so shocked that this can happen by a woman, when he's been such a great guy, but not shocked that it happened in the past, by men, to completely great women. he saw the distruction it caused and changed his future to avoid it. Great! Good For you! But he's out there trying to set the word women are now the cheaters, making it sound as if all of them are... NOT ALL OF THEM! Maybe i'm just reading it very one sided, because im a loyal God Loving woman who would NEVER cheat and pretty much think any woman or man who would are complete diseases. Did you know there are different kinds of Cheating?? People think its Just sex with another person. But its not. There is such a thing as Emotional cheating as well, where you have a strong relationship with another female/male other than your significant other, that you tell things too, feelings, hopes, dreams, secrets.. that you arent telling your woman/man. It breaks your bond and intimacy with the one you love, you're holding back from the relationship. Porn and other like things are cheating too. they are you desiring someone other than your woman/man which changes your overall impression of them, of love and realistic desires. I hate this discussion. I hate everything about it. I dont know what kind of person can actually do these things.. its truly disgusting to me. We have control of ourselves. If you cant control yourself, why not be honest, end your current relationship and be free to do whatever the hell you want to do with another person. You distroy your current woman/man when you cheat in any way. it causes SO many insecurities, emotional trauma, untrusting and over all heart break. I just dont get it... Regardless of which sex cheats.. they're all complete low life, weak cowards who will get theirs in return. To make it work, All i can say is... Trust your other. be honest and tell them everything. Dont let anything be kept a secret. Show them your love for them, not just words. Remember why you're with them in the first place, it will strengthen your bond, make you feel like you have a true partner in life. its not a hard concept. Unless your a whore and have no respect for yourself or another person.

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