Inking happens to everyone

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

bitch session

Our wedding is coming up.. the End of January. It feels like a long way away, but I know in reality, its only 3 months and 27 days. We have Alot to do before our big day. Plus we have normal every day things to adhere to as well, which i have to admit.. is getting a bit stressful. Kaytlin is growing just a little too quick, needs clothes, needs school stuff, needs constant guidance as she is entering a new phase in life.. braces, entertainment and love. I'm also trying to find a new job (need more $$) and above all else, looming in my near future is the daunting nightmare that is dress shopping. I cant tell you how scared it makes a girl to go dress shopping. wedding dresses are two sizes smaller than actual sizes.. Yeah i know.. as long as you look good, who cares what the size says? WRONG.. WOMEN CARE! which leads me to my goal of dropping a little of what I gained in the last year.. CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! 30 lbs total..( had a bit of a hard year with health.. those who know me know why) well, in all reality, I know I probablly wont lose 30 lbs.. but I'd like to see at least 20 go. But its hard when all the other stresses pump cortisol into your bloodstream, which causes you to crave.. everything. so its down to good ol will power. wish me luck, or wish me will power, or wish me to win the lottery and I'll just get it surgically removed! :)

We attended our pre-marital class last night.. I have to say.. while alot of whats discussed is common sense and of no use to us, as we have alot of that stuff down pat... they had a great discussion on the difference of men and women. How men think versus women. the discription of women and how we think and feel was VERY acurate! As I looked around the room while it was being read, people were in their own world.. fidgeting.. drawing.. one guy was tapping out whatever beat was in his head on the pad of paper in front of him.. I wanted to say "read it again!" just so some of it might be heard. there was alot of good stuff there for both sexes! i know it helped me see how i can improve my actions with my man..I never want him to feel less because of something I say, or do. I want him to know just what an awesome man he is .. always!

Women were made with a dire need to be loved and shown affection, when its not shown, we feel less about ourselves. our worthiness, it brings out our insecure side. I know its hard for guys to understand, but just that little bit and you'll have a woman who will adore you and do anything for you for the rest of your days! On the other side, it was good to see the differences they listed for men. they think more analytically, they need to be validated, to feel strong and proud, and hear that they are good men, good workers and hear they are desired. the pastor leading the class hit the nail on the head, he said " Guys are about words, thinking in the present and future, women are about actions thinking in the past and present"

This discussion really felt strong to me. We are such different people between women and men, who can act so selfish at times, and be completely unselfish at others.. it felt like answers were on the paper for all of us to see and realize how easy it really can be..

1 comment:

Pbearsmom said...

ps, you will be so beautiful in your wedding dress!