Inking happens to everyone

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


now, any normal joe is going to take his chances with outside forces before openly admitting to illegal activities, and facing prison time.. Right? and If something Illegal of yours is stolen, would you report it to police? no.. because you have a working brain that processes that information fully before acting..all in your own best interest (well, most of you). This guy, is a complete moron, deserving to be put in the definition of "stupidity". Im sure he was more scared of the guys who were going to come after him than the police..maybe he never heard of "laying low" for awhile.

read the story

On a lighter note.. We here in Seattle are awesome. When we ban together to be proud of something new, it just shines and we want to shout it out! "RIDE THE SLUT!"

read the story

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