Inking happens to everyone

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sick bastard

For a couple of years, I've followed a story on Jack McClellan. Do you know that name? He's the sick bastard that Lived in Washington(out of his car), following, stocking, watching, and taking pictures of little girls and posting them on his website to let other pedophiles know where LG's(little girls) congregate. He has always admitted he's a pedophile, but said he will never act on it. Riiiiiigggggghhhhht. history shows us, that most sick people, know matter how much they believe they wont, will eventually commit the crime. the desire becomes too much. Well, Washington Moms kick ASS! They started following him around. Taking his picture.. showing everyone they could. Telling everyone they could about him, his website and his demented sick mind. he didnt like it.. hmm go figure you sick fuck. Washington couldnt do anything about it either.. law says he has the right to post whatever he wants and go where ever he wants, Until he actually commits the crime. WTF? He stocked little girls!! So, Washington Moms finally pushed him so much and all of washington knew his face,and treated him bad(boo hoo) that he felt he couldnt live here anymore and moved to California. We didnt stop... and people did everything they could to let California know he was coming!! Go figure.. California doesnt really like him either.. hmm.. So.. take a moment and read some of the News stories on him.. they finally got a good picture of him.. so get to know that too..(he didnt like having his picture taken.. and would wear disguises in the past to avoid it) Pass it on.. let people know.. if you ever see him... let him know you know who he is.. and then follow him for awhile.. take his picture and post it EVERYwhere!!! he will eventually commit the crime..even pyschologists say that..he belongs behind bars... i hear they dont treat pedophiles kindly in prison.. hmmmmm that made me smile a little..

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