Inking happens to everyone

Friday, April 25, 2008

Get pounded on your own terms!

When playing a video game, do you ever wish you could actually FEEL what is going on? maybe when your character gets shot, you wish you could feel his pain? maybe when you're being kicked and punched by some ass whole, you kinda wish you could get a little more into the game and feel those blows.. cause you know.. that would make it more REAL and you could no doubt get into the game with more gusto..
"Unlike traditional force feedback devices that rumble or buzz, the 3rd Space™ Vest gives you precise impact where it happens, as it happens. Get pounded with body slams, crushed with G-forces, and blasted with bullet fire. "
Now, I'm not much of a player.. I like the games like Crash bandecoot and Mario.. but I found this invention Pretty cool. Not that I personally want to know what its like being shot, but I can see where this is going to be a hit. Along with other games that are more interactive such as Guitar hero, Rock band and DDR, this is making game time pretty realistic. My only concern is, it will add to the desensitization that our younger players are already experiencing. will they be affraid to be shot if they think its going to feel like the vest shows it?
This guy in Redmond, creates this vest for medical technology, to test people for vascular circulation, but quickly realized it would make a cool gaming addition, and allows the player to feel every punch, kick, and shot. So he decided to market it to all and its now available for 169.00. I'd like to know if the feelings are going to be realistic... If you do decide to go and get it.. let me know how you liked it.. I'm very curious. Check out this link and see it for yourself.
If you want to skip the vest..for a small fee of 100.00 an hour, I'd be glad to sit next to you while you play your game and punch, kick and smack your ass to bring realism to your game!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the Bidet

After reading Enemesis's blog on a shituation... I thought about the topic quite a bit.
Men and women alike are in the same shituation here. Not only the shituation at hand, we also have general cleanliness that is often overlooked in the nether-regions. I'd like to point out that Toilet paper is exactly what it is called... PAPER. we are no further in our science than we were 100 years ago. Is it really all we've come up with to clean the area of importance?
yes, there are the fad options, flushable wet wipes, but are they being used instead of the toilet paper? no. Very few people even know of the option! Being a Mom, I'll admit to having found the joys of baby wipes for adult use a long time ago.
There is another option! its called the Bidet. actually, American plumbing manufacturers produce more Bidets than manufacturers in any other country, these same Bidets are exported away from the very people who believe that they lead the world in personal cleanliness and hygiene habits. But Americans themselves do not purchase these. A large majority of Europe and other countries are very fanatic about Bidets. They find it a necessity as well as a luxury to warm water bathe themselves quickly and efficiently after shituations.. The Bidet sits right next to the toilet.. you hop on.. enjoy the warm rush of water that is cleansing you, pat dry and feel great. It seems like Americans need to step up to the Bidet. More than just shituations, you know there are people out there that should Bidet themselves just to get rid of the STANK they are emitting... its a win win resolution!
read more here:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Dalai Lama drama

When I arrived at work today, the entire street in front of my building was lined on both sides with more than 100 police motorcycles and then all the bike cops, horses.. yada yada.. all preparing for the Dalai Lama and his entourage to move on down the road to the convention center for his Seeds of Compassion meeting. more than 15,000 students were attending, along with 150,000 other people. I guess he was staying at the Hilton next door. I know the Dalai Lama is the religious leader of Tibet, and is very big on Peace and compassion. This event is NOT a religious event. nor is it Political. that was stated up front. Would I want my daughter to hear what he has to say on compassion? sure! If it was a religious event, would I want my daughter to hear what he has to say on Compassion and Buddhism.. not so much, as we're Christians and I'm the Mom. Now, I know for a fact, a school Can NOT take your child somewhere with out the parents permission. SO if it was an event on religion, I would simply say, no, she can not attend. Am I angry that other parents are allowing their children? no.. thats between them. Obviously this parent doesnt get that.

If anything, they will learn to respect another human being, who happens to have great views on compassion. which if you've been watching the news lately.. the kids NEED more of it badly( the teacher beating, the bus beating incident.. ) Maybe they should try teaching their children who God is. And that Compassion should be part of Everyone, regardless of religion. Which being Christians, is a pretty important thing, since Jesus was the most Compassionate person ever to grace our earth.

One of the parents states " would the Pope be welcomed that way"... well, probably not, know why? he doesnt do non religious discussions nor travel to spread the word. BUT, if he did say, travel the world, deciding to speak of a general subject like "kindness", I believe people would welcome him greatly, he is a figure of faith and hope, and I believe people want to hear about faith and hope. But again, if you dont want your child to hear what the Pope has to say about religion, just dont let them attend. This is not a hard parenting problem. You say either yes, or no.

its just a learning opportunity on Compassion.. thats it..

on another note of the same chord.. Dave Mathews will be doing a concert today at 4:30 right after his time with the Dalai Lama.. they're doing a conversation and concert for the public..

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


While searching around today, a funny word caught my eye. "Bromance"
Urban Dictionary states "Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males."
I googled the word to find more information and located this site: I'm not sure what I think about this site, if its just funny and witty, or just disturbing..they are mostly a recorded show, but Check it out, Im sure you'll give me some input.

Now, Women have "girlfriends" and while we are Very close, and have love and affection for one another, it is definately a sisterly act. There is no Femance. We speak pretty freely of our feelings for one another, and that usually sounds like this " I am so glad we are friends and I love you". its an I love you that you would say to your sister, or mother..

My purpose here is to bring to light an interesting view.
A man would never say, this is my boyfriend, Carl. Unless he and Carl were gay. A man generally does not have a specific identification other than "friend".. This is my Friend Carl. Most men would not use any other specific identification because of the fear or concern someone would read the relationship in the wrong way. It is also a way for Men to lay down important ground rules, such as Friend implies I like you, I enjoy your company but smack me on my ass or spontaneously hug or kiss me and Ill kick you in the neck. I dont normally see men say to each other, " i love you", "I care about you" or "I respect and cherish our relationship" So i have to assume it is because the ground rules were laid out, you are friends and there is no need to communicate the deepness or appreciation of each other further as it should be implied since you are friends. I understand the majority of this is because Men are not comfortable expressing these feelings out loud, let alone to another Man. Then WHY? Why would the Male population create a word to describe their relationship with another STRAIGHT Male that is completely and suggestively emotional, as well as latterally connected to a word that implies love on a level other than friendship? Was Bro not enough? or my good friend? my Best Man?

Just curious as to where the Bromance started.